I've learned a lot through your article. I like how you classify the different types of intelligence, and also, how the word 'intelligence' carries a judgment of inferiority/superiority. You've given me more inspiration to care about EQ rather than only acquired knowledge. Do you think it's something that can be practiced, and if so, what would be the methods?

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I’m so glad, thanks for reading and lending your insight. Yes EQ can be practiced for sure. Cognitive behavioral therapy is almost the same as practicing emotional intelligence. All the therapists I know approve of it. Therapy as I know it is mostly about identifying your emotions and why they are there. You might keep a notebook throughout the day and write down when you feel something strong. Then you look it and the situation going on to understand what caused you to feel that, more than just saying so and so gave me a bad feeling. You learn to identify what really made you sad or bothered. For me, it might be that someone disrespected me and that turned into sadness and anger. So, I understand myself better. I believe learning about yourself is the same as learning about everything else and all people. Learning you is the best way to learn him or her.

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I always take exception when someone tells me how smart a person is, and you've nailed exactly why I have that reaction. There are many ways we humans exhibit intelligence. I remember reading about the 7 kinds of smart and how we all access information differently because each of us has a unique capacity for learning and understanding. Great post! It's one that I've saved to read again and share. Thanks

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Yes I have seen 12 kinds, but after reading them they overlap a great deal. I’m not sure it matters if we define exactly how many types. Keeping an open mind and talking about the topic might be good enough.

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I've always stressed to my kiddos to "read the room" and "know their audience" before speaking/acting, so by your terms they were developing their emotional intelligence.

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That is so valuable. For me, this falls under emotional intelligence. EQ is about understanding your and others’ emotions. So, it makes perfect sense to me but someone else might disagree.

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EQ is so important, loved this 😀

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I agree. Thank you for your encouragement and great insights.

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I’ve noticed that understanding my own emotions and those of others has made a big difference in my relationships.

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Oh yes. I think we have to understand emotions and not fight them. Learn what is behind them. To feel them is alright but shouldn’t be ruled by them.

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