I get you Strawbridge. I am old enough to remember James Dean and Rebel Without A Cause. You have allowed me to see that the very words, Rebel Without A Cause, make no sense. But as a teen, I thought it was "righteous." How many other expressions that sound "cutesy," have no meaning when examined in the light. Many.

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Thank you so much for sharing. I only remember it as a classic movie but that title stayed with me. Well, one of the great things about writing is that we can play with words and change meanings. I tried to do that a little in the story.

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Well said! You’re ready there. Welcome.

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Aug 24Liked by Strawbridge

So much to unpack here.

I love the idea of being a rebel and to some I might have been with all the moving I’ve done over the years. But I just see myself as the “stubborn” introverted hermit that I am.

I felt that about Robin Williams also. He picked up on all the energy in the room and amplified it. Big heart.

Thank you for sharing this.

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Your welcome. Rebels are just cool. But I think you are rebelling too in your own way, slinging “ginger sass” all over the place.

But, Williams was indeed an introvert. Deeply introspective. I didn’t like some of his gushier movies but always sensed I would love the man himself.

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Aug 24Liked by Strawbridge

Slinging that rebellion ginger sass should be my mantra/slogan. 😄 Stay tuned for more rebellion ginger sass. Get your ginger sass here, step right up.

I agree about Robin Williams and he was such a lovable human.

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I've done a lot of 'rebellious' things in my life, if going against expectations is rebellious. From choosing not to have children (major) to refusing to wear makeup (minor), my choice of career (I distinctly remember being laughed at for wanting to be a scientist, and told I would make a good executive secretary...HA!) - I could go on, but I won't. I'm quite good at appearing to conform just enough to get by - I have little desire to alienate most people - but living my life on my terms, mostly.

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I would call you a rebel. I think rebellion is natural for anyone paying attention. There are the big unfair things and then the thousands of small unfair things that probably only you can see. So, I think those things are your missions, those little revolutions that you must start. Yeah you are making your life an act of rebellion. Cool.

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Aug 23Liked by Strawbridge

Agreed! A little rebellion never hurt anybody :)

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We each have rebelled or have one inside that is waiting.

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