I like a great quotation. Many people do. Here are some of my own that I hope inspires and/or stimulates your mind. Disagree with anything? That is fine. I hope you leave your thoughts in the comment section.
“Falling for manipulation is not a sign of weak character. It is an indicator of unchecked goodness.”
“Never underestimate the depths of someone else’s nightmare. And we cannot gauge it merely by perceiving what eyes can see."
“If you expect more from life than you give, you will always be disappointed.”
“All newness brings a hint of sorrow for what had to be replaced.”
“All work undertaken not for the sake of self-expression becomes burdens piled and piled, on top of every person, that over time increases the desolation of the soul.”
“If you are not upset, you haven’t been paying attention.”
“What inspires you should never be forgotten no matter how small or insignificant others judge it.”
“Denial is like falling off a cliff and catching yourself, before you hit the ground, on some branch growing on the side of the mountain. As you hang on, you refuse to look down or climb up, believing your current position to be satisfactory.”
“In an information-overload world, every new act of outrageous cruelty adds to our sense of un-avenged hurt.”
"Suffering allows for the clarity of purpose.”
“There is no hard-time like the present.”
“Imitations of sincerity have replaced the soul in art far too often, and no one seems to care.”
“If people cared less for careless things, then manipulators and agitators would find no field of play to practice.”
“Consistency always beats good intentions.”
“It is nothing less than tragic that our most impressionable days are the ones we can least remember.”
“How someone treats the world of nature shows the true nature of their heart.”
“Be the protagonist of the story you are living.”
“When you make your talents your responsibilities you will feel both free and purposeful for the first time.”
“Enemies and fools can’t help telling on themselves. Let them.”
“Discrimination is based on the idea that when others win, you lose.”
“Self-control does not mean controlling the Self. It means to feel contented with who you are despite anything.”
“No one regrets accomplishments won. We regret what is visible but untried.”
“Nothing is impressive anymore. Nothing conceived of is surprising.”
“One has to view the world as it is and not how we wish it in order to affect positive change.”
“Never marry some important outcome in your life to the fortunes of a disreputable person.”
“When business moguls become idols of the people, and role models, we have lost our cultural inheritance replaced by doctrines of mediocrity.”
“To be an unthinking person is to forfeit one’s humanity.”
“Love and caring are not the same things.”
“The ideal human state is when each action in some way supports every other action, and all direct us toward a self-defined purpose.”
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Nice new bio photo and love your quotes! 🙌
So good!